Effective workforce management is but one of many challenges businesses face that require constant attention. With different employees having different personalities, all working within the confines of your office eight hours a day, it’s inevitable for conflicts and issues to come up.
One solution to this problem is to invest in training and continued education geared towards helping employees behave safely and appropriately. By scheduling a number of refresher courses each year, you can develop employees for long-term growth and increased job satisfaction. Below are six courses worth considering.
Customer Service
Even if you have a great product and a skilled and talented staff, it won’t matter one bit if your customers have a poor impression of the people they interact with. If your team members are constantly interacting with your customers, regular customer service training will help them stay sharp and aware of their actions every time they act as the face of your organization.
Workplace Safety
Many organizations deal with serious safety concerns on a daily basis. Construction companies use heavy and potentially dangerous equipment, hospitals are always at risk for exposure to deadly diseases and even markets are prone to slips and falls.
An annual refresher course on workplace safety will help ensure employees stay safe, all while reducing your liability for work-related personal injury claims.
Data Security
With the amount of sensitive information many employees handle every day, it’s important to provide them with proper training on how to keep your organization’s tech and internet infrastructure safe. The Department of Homeland Security offers a number of courses for small businesses, such as password security and network security, so be sure to check them out.
Preventative discrimination training for employees is crucial in preventing problems that could disrupt productivity and harmony. Fighting discrimination is a constant process, which makes investing in training all the more worth it. The U.S. Department of Justice offers basic anti-discrimination courses for both employees and managers, as well as advanced and specific training, such as HR practices for diverse staff members.
Sexual Harassment
Now a requirement in California, sexual harassment training is a must. Complaints about improper conduct can bog down your organization’s resources and make you potentially liable for a harassment suit. Investing in regular refresher courses will show employees you take a proactive stance on fighting harassment and are not just paying them lip service.
Money Management
Your employees’ financial problems can affect their work in many ways. Research from the Personal Finance Employee Education Foundation (PFEEF) shows that distress caused by personal financial problems affects productivity at work. Having yearly seminars on smart money management, investing and life insurance will help protect your employees’ finances and ensure your organization stays productive.
Contact Star Staffing to learn more about our safety programs and trainings we may be able to provide your team.
With over 20 years in the staffing industry, Star Staffing has thrived as a top temporary staffing agency recognized multiple years by Forbes for our excellent service. Star Staffing supports multiple industries including food and wine, events and hospitality, warehouse and distribution, and more. As the economy heals, we look forward to maintaining our promise: We are here when you need us.
Star Staffing is a full-service workforce solutions firm. We focus on making the best match between employee and employer. With offices throughout Northern California including Sacramento, Fairfield, Napa, Petaluma, and Santa Rosa, Star Staffing is just a phone call or click away.