How to Celebrate Thanksgiving at Work

thanksgiving at work


‘Tis the season of gratitude! While sharing what you are thankful for at the Thanksgiving table may be part of your tradition, don’t forget to also share your thanks in the workplace. Ideally, think of something specific, like the new team member who took a chance on a Petaluma job opportunity, or the close of a big sale or client. Of course, you can also be thankful for a great boss or fun co-workers too!  Once you spend a few moments thinking about it, hopefully, there is a long list to get you into the thankful workplace spirit. Just writing them down will help you get into the gratitude mindset.


Expressing Gratitude at Work: A New Thanksgiving Tradition


1. Take a moment to tell your coworkers why you are thankful for them.

A short, handwritten note or email with a few specific reasons why you appreciate them can go a long way. Be specific about what you appreciate about them. This could be their contributions, attitude, ability to fix the printer, anything you appreciate that is unique to them.

Bonus: Add this to your routine and be sure to say thank you regularly. It can be quarterly, monthly, or as it happens. Make it a point to say thank you as often as you can!


2. Recognize accomplishments and milestones as a team.

Small or large teams can get together in person or virtually to share something they are proud of at work. Even a project you’re glad is over is a reason to share gratitude! Leaders: be prepared with some group wins as well as one for each team member and be sure to express your thanks for a job well done. This is the perfect time to think back through the year and focus on the good.


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3. Organize a Thanksgiving Potluck

Sometimes, the best way to express gratitude for coworkers is to spend some quality time with them. This Thanksgiving, why not suggest a potluck at work? If you’re in a position to organize one, go for it! Otherwise, volunteer to help your HR team with the day’s festivities. Need some inspiration for what to bring?


What to Bring to a Thanksgiving Potluck at Work

If you’re organizing, it helps to create a spreadsheet with types of foods, e.g. sides, mains, vegetarian options, vegan options, desserts, appetizers, drinks and to list how many you’ll need of each. As for ideas that will please everyone:


4. If you can do gifts this holiday season, make them personalized.

Pay attention to people’s special interests and hobbies so you can be thoughtful in your gift-giving. Here are a few ideas:

  • Subscription to a runner’s magazine for the lunchtime jogger.
  • A gift card to their favorite restaurant or coffee shop.
  • Make a donation to a nonprofit or community organization they support (we love this one!).
  • Blue light glasses for those who are at their desks for a long period of time.
  • An office “update” pack with new pens, a notebook, fun post-it notes, maybe a plant… get creative!
  • Work from home, “cozy box”, think warm socks, a scarf, and a mug for coffee or tea.
  • Food! If you know what they like to snack on, send it their way. When are chocolate and snacks a bad idea?! (This is a good one if you’re on a budget. Buying everyone’s favorite candy bar is cost-effective, personalized, and fun!)
  • A book about something they are interested in, yoga, national parks, history, cooking, etc.


Remember, it’s the thought that counts – get creative!


5. If you are a boss or manager, encourage time off – and take it yourself!

Everyone has been working on overdrive this year. Take time to rest and thank yourself, and thank your team for being resilient and pushing through. If you can let staff go home early or give a bonus day off during the holiday season – it will be very much appreciated.


Whatever you decide to do this year to show your gratitude to your co-workers & team members, remember that a little can go a long way. The gesture and special thanks you share with each other is what you will remember.  It is the act of thanks and thoughtfulness that is most important.