The Great Debate: Flexibility vs. Higher Pay

Flexibility vs. higher pay blog


Companies who are looking to retain top talent should always be looking for ways to support their employees and to foster a positive workplace and work culture. When candidates are looking at company work cultures, two things that matter – and matter a LOT – are flexibility, and pay. When you’re choosing a company, or looking through job descriptions and roles, which one should matter more? Workplaces that offer flexibility, or companies who offer higher pay?

The short answer is, it depends on what you value most. Let’s walk through the pros and cons of workplace flexibility versus higher pay.


Workplace Flexibility

Workplace flexibility is all the rage. Flexible scheduling has been a hot topic the past few years. Notions of the standard 9-to-5 have been questioned, and the gig economy has grown to be more successful and popular.


Flexible scheduling could mean a few different things. It could mean working reduced hours, working a non-traditional schedule like 7am until 4pm, working remotely, or having the opportunity to combine all of these on an as-needed basis. Maybe you are a parent, and you need to leave the office by 3pm every day. Maybe you have a chronic illness, or are a caregiver for a loved one, so remote work is what works best for you. If you can’t afford a car, or public transportation is limited, workplaces that offer flexibility can empower you immensely.


Higher Pay

Obviously, we all need money. It’s part of the reason we all work. And while things like work culture and flexibility matter, so does the bottom line. There are many intersecting factors that could impact pay. Sadly, your gender and race can play a part in how much you might be paid for a role. Your work history, experience, and education all impact pay, too, as well as company policies and your cost of living. So many factors!

When you’re considering a role or a company, your salary, or your pay, matters. It matters a lot. Money and wellbeing are intricately related, and when money is a stress in your life, other stresses can pile on–quickly. Because many positions require a Bachelor’s Degree in the current job market, a lot of employees will have student debt, so salary matters for many reasons.


Which Is More Important?

What it boils down to is a personal preference. When you’re looking at companies and roles, take time to think about what matters most to you. What are your priorities? What are your goals? And what will help you get there?

Studies have shown that nearly half of all employees prefer flex work over a pay raise, and one third would switch to a new employer if they were offered flexible work elsewhere. So it comes down to this– if two employers offered you the same job, and one offered flexible schedules, and the other gave a pay raise, which would you choose?


At Star Staffing, we have a variety of jobs and positions, including temp jobs and long-term positions. We also work with many companies that offer a range of shifts, including evening and afternoon. If you’re looking for work, we can help! Sign up for our job board or search our open positions for an opportunity that interests you. To get more information about Fairfield employment opportunities and Star Staffing resources, contact us at 707-429-0200.


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