Interview Questions to Land a Remote Job

Sacramento Remote Work


Looking for a remote opportunity? Not ready to go back to a traditional work setting?  Need to decrease commute costs? Want more flexibility with the ever-changing COVID restrictions?

These days, employers have many remote opportunities.  However, they are searching for the “perfect fit” for their organization.  To convince your future boss that you are “remote work material,” you need to understand what habits and attributes make you qualified for such a position.

Take some time to explore your thoughts on remote work by reviewing the questions below and be prepared to communicate how you work and what makes you most effective and productive.

How do you schedule your day?

What hours of the day are you most productive? Are you a night owl? A morning bird?  What is your natural pattern for productivity?

What does “working remotely” look like for you?

A lot of people want remote work because of the flexibility.  Be prepared to answer these questions:

  • Are you going to be in a home office, a coffee shop, the library?
  • Do you have specific family commitments during the day?
  • Do you like to be “on call” throughout the day?

What do you need in your physical workspace to be successful in your job?

Employers want to know what equipment you need for a remote position. Know what the essential basics are for you―a standing desk, a large monitor, an ergonomic keyboard?

How do you process information?

Knowing how you process information―what you need to know when and in what format―is incredibly valuable information… not just for your manager but also for your colleagues.

How do you handle your calendar and schedule?  What apps/systems do you use?

The logistics of how you organize your work life is important in a remote job. What types of things do you place on your calendar? Do you like to schedule blocks of time for project work?

How do you prioritize tasks?

Remote jobs can be fast-paced. That’s why it is important to prioritize tasks.  The ability to prioritize can make or break your success in a remote job. That means that employers need to know that you have an absolute handle on it.

How do you use technology throughout the day―for work and for pleasure?

To work remotely, it is imperative that you can use technology.  This question indicates your comfort level with technology.  It also highlights personality and outside interests which is one way an employer can gauge how you will fit into the team.

Think about how technology is incorporated into your life and how you use it to make your life easier (or better).  What devices or apps do you like to use?  Do you like podcast apps or maybe a to-do list app? What’s your favorite social media apps for staying connected?

How would you handle a lack of face-to-face contact when you work remotely?

Employers want to know that you are available and ready to do what it takes to communicate with your boss and the team, whether that means getting on an unexpected Zoom call, brainstorming in Teams, or picking up the phone.

How do you balance your work life and the rest of your life?

It is important that you take care of your physical and mental health as a remote worker even more than you would in a regular office job.  This includes getting lots of rest and exercise, setting boundaries between your work and personal life, making sure you get the social contact you need, and remembering not to neglect your interests outside of work.  How do you avoid burnout and keep a work-life balance?

Why do you want to work remotely?

Definitely let the boss know what life circumstances are keeping you out of the office. You will really wow the hiring manager if you can explain not only why remote work is going to improve your life, but also why you do your best work remotely. In other words, be prepared to explain how working remotely makes you shine and makes you a smarter, more effective, and more efficient employee.

What’s your biggest concern about working remotely?

Knowing yourself means knowing the areas that you can improve. When an employer asks you about your biggest concerns, he/she wants to know if you are aware of your weaknesses and are prepared to watch out for them.



Looking for more tips? Check out these posts:

3 Essential Soft Skills to Mention in An Interview

The Great Debate: Flexibility vs. Higher Pay