Career Readiness

Never miss an opportunity to shine!

Be Ready for Anything

These helpful checklists will tell you step-by-step how to put your best face forward on LinkedIn, 
stand out in a stack of resumes, shine Star-bright during an interview, and prepare to ask for a pay raise. 

Resume Checklist

This resume checklist will ensure you're putting your best foot forward when applying for a job.

LinkedIn Profile Checklist

This Linkedin checklist will help you establish you in your professional network and promote a positive online profile .

Interview Prep Checklist

This interview prep checklist will help ensure you are prepare to WOW hiring managers during your interview.

How to prepare to ask for a raise

This checklist will help you get organized and prepared to ask for a pay raise.

Job Seeker Insights

Fresh news, insights, and trends about interviewing, getting hiring, and career trajectory.

How to Hire a Stellar Front Desk Admin
Staffing firms know how valuable a good front desk admin can be for any company. ... READ MORE
Light Industrial Manufacturing: How to Combat the Skilled Labor Gap
2020's pandemic and subsequent recession disrupted many industries globally, and the ripple effect has played ... READ MORE
Simple Steps to Be the Best and Brightest Bottling Line Worker
The bottling industry generates billions of dollars annually, and bottling line operators and bottling workers ... READ MORE