Many employment agencies know that while finding great talent can be challenging, figuring out how to keep employees in your organization is just as, if not even more, difficult.
Each employee brings something unique to the table, which means that smart recruitment and retention methods have a direct impact on your organization’s competitiveness. With that said, below are four ways to hire and keep top talent in your company.
Identify Your Needs
Before recruiting, identify the skills and character traits that will most benefit your company. This information will form the basis of your job descriptions, which in turn, will set the tone of the interviews with potential recruits, who now have something to research in advance before applying.
Job descriptions shouldn’t just be about what you want in an employee. They need to provide a clear picture of a candidate’s responsibilities and expected results.
Learn What People Love About Working for Your Company
After identifying your needs and drafting job descriptions, the next step is marketing the position. What makes your company a great place to work in? What benefits do employees get? Why should a candidate apply?
Your employees are the best people to ask these questions to. With surveys and interviews, you not only get to learn how to market your company, you also get feedback on what they’d like to see more of to make their jobs easier and more enjoyable.
After the recruitment process, your job is to support a constant two-way dialogue built on trust, going beyond responsibilities and deliverables, and into an employee’s goals and career aspirations. And it’s not just about the words you’re saying, but also about body language and gestures – how else did we associate a ‘pat on the back’ with positive feedback?
Offer Tangible Rewards with Positive Feedback
When it comes to rewarding employees for superior performance, it’s the little things that count. Beyond the standard equity and salary bonuses, offer small but tangible rewards; a free dinner perhaps, a gift on their start-date anniversary, or paid time off after a tough project. If you want to keep employee morale high, you need to go beyond words of praise and offer something real.
Get more workforce management strategies like this from the staffing experts of Star Staffing! Our staffing experts are ready to assist you with your staff management needs. Contact us today!